An approach to Internet of Things network deployment for smart grid applications
Mohammed F. Khan, Amit Jain and A. Paventhan, "An approach to Internet of Things network deployment for smart grid applications", Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017
In smart power grid, communication network is an integral fragment that communicate vital information to various stakeholders for efficient transmission of electricity. For autonomous functioning of power system, the sensor node connected to grid components enable information sharing for monitoring and control of the state of the grid. Also, the smart grid deployment scenarios require data communication to various grid nodes to be reliable, secure and standards compliant. In this paper, we have proposed a conceptual architecture for evaluating IoT deployment scenario and presenting power system simulation on real-time simulator and experimental evaluation of IPv6 based IETF 6TiSCH compliant grid nodes in smart grid scenario. The proposed architecture for simulation and experiments leverages Internet of Things (IoT) approach to address the smart grid requirement.
Index Terms—6TiSCH, IEEE 802.15.4e, IoT, Real-Time
Simulation, RPL, Smart Grid, Smart Metering.
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